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Mariachi Heritage Society

José Hernàndez foresaw that the future of mariachi lies in the hands of our precious youth. In 1991, he established the Mariachi Heritage Society, a 501c3 nonprofit organization, to provide a forum for young people to explore mariachi music and experience the value it can bring to developing their minds and hearts.

Under the direction of Jóse Hernàndez, the Mariachi Heritage Society provides quality instruction in violin, guitar, trumpet, vihuela, guitarrón, voice, and ballet folklorico.

In addition to providing free or low-cost instruction to students ages 7 to 18, the Hernandez Mariachi Heritage Society works to increase performance and teaching opportunities for professional mariachi musicians and to create culturally enriching experiences for their audiences throughout Los Angeles County.

José believes mariachi music is the bridge to instill the identity of a harmonious heritage within our children. Through the Mariachi Heritage Society, the beauty of our heritage lives on in the lives of our youth.

Says José: “We encourage all of the youth to learn how to work as a team. As an added benefit our youth learn about cultural history and heritage of México and the United States. Music instruction provides our youth with a strong sense of accomplishment and self esteem. We believe this is our responsibility. “

Your donation can help us with our mission to

continually provide a forum for young people to explore mariachi music and experience the value it can bring to developing their minds and hearts.


Su donación puede ayudarnos con nuestra misión de proporcionar continuamente un foro para que los jóvenes pueden explorar la música de mariachi y experimenten el valor que puede aportar al desarrollo de sus mentes y corazones.

The Mariachi Heritage Society is a non-profit 501 C 3 organization established in 1991 by Maestro Jose Hernandez. It is an organization that has dedicated itself to provide children with an opportunity to learn the noble tradition and legacy of Mariachi music.


La Sociedad del Patrimonio del Mariachi es una organización sin fines de lucro establecida en 1991 por el Maestro José Hernández. Es una organización que se ha dedicado a proporcionar a los niños la oportunidad de aprender la noble tradición y el legado de la música de mariachi.

The mission of Mariachi Heritage Society is to be the pillar in the community that supports an enriching cultural experience and fills a critical gap in local schools’ after school programs by providing Mariachi music education to children.

La misión de La Sociedad del Patrimonio del Mariachi es ser un pilar en la comunidad que proporciona  una experiencia cultural enriquecedora y llenar un vacío crítico en los programas escolares de nuestros niños.

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We got the Grant!
Thank you to Eastside Arts Initiative for their support of the Mariachi Heritage Society.

© 2021 Mariachi Heritage Society

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​Find us: 

20539 E. Walnut Dr. N. Suite F

Walnut, CA 91789

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